The Order (2001) Hollywood Movie (In Hindi)

The Order (2001) Hollywood Movie (In Hindi)

The Order (2001) (In Hindi)


Jean-Claude Van Damme - Rudy Cafmeye
Charlton Heston - Prof. Walter Finley
Sofia Milos - Lt. Dalia Barr
Brian Thompson - Cyrus Jacob

Production Credits

Director: Sheldon Lettich
Writers: Les Weldon, Jean-Claude Van Damme

Movie Details

Genres: Action | Adventure | Drama | Thriller
Country: Aruba | USA
Language: Syriac | English | Arabic
Release Date: 27 December 2001

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The Order (2001) - Story:

Van Damme plays Rudy whose father, Oscar is an archaeologist. His father goes to Israel. When his father disappears, he goes to Israel to find him. The chief of police claims that his father never entered the country, but an old friend of his father's was expecting him and before he could tell him more, some people start shooting at them. He manages to get away, and when he goes back to the police chief, he still refuses to believe that a crime has been committed. He then has Rudy deported, but Rudy convinces the police woman assigned to bring him to the airport not to and help him find his father.